There is a lot to deal with in terms of helping an aging adult with incontinence, but if you stick to the practical considerations, you and your senior can get a handle on what is happening.
Talk About it Only as Much as Is Necessary

One mistake that’s easy for caregivers to make is to talk about incontinence concerns more than is strictly necessary. There’s nothing to feel embarrassed or upset about. This is a situation that can be easily handled and doesn’t require a ton of discussion to resolve. You do want to talk to your senior’s doctor, especially if this is a new concern that might have a medical cause.
Put Up Some Signs for the Bathroom
If memory issues can be a factor for your elderly family member, then some signs might be a good idea. You can go as simple as hand-writing signs on notebook paper or you can find fancier signs that indicate the way to the bathroom. Going the more decorative route can help your senior to feel less as if this is a big deal or something to feel bad about.
Check for Clutter on the Way to the Bathroom
Another potential issue to consider is that if there is any clutter or obstacle on the way to the bathroom that can slow your senior down. If she doesn’t have anything slowing her down, then it’s much easier for your senior to get where she needs to be.
Clothing Makes a Difference
What your aging adult wears can make more of a difference than you might think when it comes to avoiding incontinence issues. Clothing that has Velcro closures or snaps can be a lot easier to manage in a hurry than buttons or other closures can be. If you’re helping your elderly family member during these bathroom trips, modified closures can make it easier for you to manage her clothing for her.
Try out Some Incontinence Products
Many aging adults with incontinence are uncomfortable with incontinence products. They worry that these products are obvious and that they might not work well. The truth is that incontinence products have come a long way in recent years. There is also a wide variety of different products, so there’s something for everyone if your senior is willing to try out a few different types of products.
Make Sure Help Is Available
You probably can’t be there for your senior every time she needs the restroom, even if you want to be. Many aging adults feel more comfortable with someone else there, such as home care providers. This gives you and her both peace of mind when you can’t be there to help.
When you’ve got the practical considerations in hand, it’s easier for your elderly family member to believe that incontinence doesn’t have to be a big deal.