Archive for author: Sheri Wiser, Owner

Heart attack statistics could cause a heart attack. Knowing the proper precautionary steps and symptoms greatly reduces your risk of experiencing one.

The Caregivers Guide to Reducing Stroke Risk

As far as National holiday and month observances go, May is a fairly busy month. There’s Mother’s Day, Cinco De Mayo and Memorial Day. In addition, less popular but equally important, May is host to N...

Considering mothers have loved us longer and known us deeper than anyone else, one day a year doesn't seem like enough. Make the most of this mothers day.

Mother’s Day: 3 Unique Ways To Show Your Mother Love

No matter how much pain, anguish and anxiety we have put them through, our mothers continue to love us. In fact, when you think about it, no one has ever known and loved us longer than our mothers, wh...

While rewarding, caring for a loved one can be very stressful. Learning how to deal with caregiver stress will allow you to continue providing quality care.

How to Conquer Caregiver Stress

In the past, our blogs have generally focused on how we, as caregivers, can help the elderly, vulnerable and those in need. However, we very rarely blog about taking care of ourselves, which is an int...

Stress can be dangerous for our vulnerable elderly loved ones. Knowing the early signs and how to reduce stress could save your loved one's life.

Got Stress? Here’s How to Lower It

Congratulations! If you’re reading this blog it means you made it through one of the most stressful times of the year: Tax season. Not surprisingly, the stress caused by taxes is so widespread, April ...

In an effort to celebrate National Hobby and Craft Month, we have compiled a list of our favorite Spring-time Crafts. We hope you have fun with these crafts

Elderly Spring Crafts for a Rainy Day

Have you ever heard the old adage, “April showers bring May flowers”? This year, in the Pacific Northwest, we think it should be “March showers bring April flowers”. While all the rain produces some s...

You're never too old to celebrate Easter with an Easter basket filled with candy. These 5 tips will ensure your elderly loved one has an Easter to remember.

5 Ways to Celebrate Easter with Your Elderly Loved One

This weekend, all across the world, people are planning for and attending Easter egg hunts, services and family gatherings. In fact, in preparation for this weekend, nearly 120 million pounds of candy...

Although despised by many, Spring Cleaning is an important chore that will keep your elderly loved one healthy & safe. These Spring Cleaning tips will help.

5 Senior Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

If you’re reading this blog it means you survived the first week of Daylight Savings Time. In fact, Spring is now upon us! This year, Spring officially started on Sunday March 20, and if you can’t tel...

During the daylight savings time change seniors are at a higher risk of experiencing a fatal accident or heart attack. These tips will keep your senior safe

4 Time Change Tips to Keep Your Elderly Loved One Safe

It only happens once a year and its arrival is often bittersweet. Even though an hour of sunlight is gained, it comes at the cost of an hour of sleep. Finally, if you live in Arizona or Hawaii then yo...

Heart attack statistics could cause a heart attack. Knowing the proper precautionary steps and symptoms greatly reduces your risk of experiencing one.

The Caregiver’s Guide to Reducing Heart Attack Risks

Even with the extra day, it felt like February flew by. Before we know it, it will be spring and the birds will be singing and the flowers will be blooming. Even though it is no longer officially Hear...

February is Heart Health Awareness. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US. These heart tips will help keep your heart healthy.

The Guide to a Happy and Healthy Heart

Being the month of love and host to Valentine’s Day, it may come as no surprise to you that February is also national Heart Health Awareness Month. Even though heart disease is not a new thing, Nation...