Off the top of our head we could name over 10 reasons why Summer is the best season of the year. Topping this list would be beach days, increased outdoor activities, and of course grilling!
We mean, who doesn’t love standing on the patio with a cold beverage and some delicious food cooking on the grill? The sizzle of the food, beautiful aroma of grilled goods and smoke pouring out of the barbecue screams “It’s Summertime” at the top of its lungs.
Being July, we are smackdab in the middle of grilling season and coincidentally also National Grilling Month. That’s right, July is officially considered nationwide as the “Grilling Month”.
But why is July National Grilling Month and May National Barbecuing Month; Aren’t they the same thing?
This is a good question and the answer is no. They are not the same thing. In a recent blog post, Culinary Manager Nick Wellhausen explains that barbecuing is “the act of cooking over low to moderate heat for an extended amount of time” and grilling is defined as the “art of cooking something on a grill quickly and directly over a high flame.”
We have been taking full advantage of the great weather, and celebrating National Grilling Month by grilling up some of our favorite recipes lately. To ensure you and your elderly loved one have a chance to enjoy National Grilling Month as much as we have, we are going to do a 2-part series on grilling.
This week on our 2-part series we are going to discuss grilling safety and tips, then we will wrap up our mini-series next week with our favorite grilling recipes and food safety tips.
Grilling Safety Tips
Tip 1: Grill Location
Making sure your grill is in a safe location is critical. You will want to make sure it is a safe distance away from your place of residence, is not located under any trees or eaves, and not on a wooden deck. Experts recommend a distance of 25 feet between the grill and your house.
Tip 2: Never Leave Your Grill Unattended
An accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Make sure you have all the things you need to grill before your start it up. Once the grill is lit never leave it unattended. A child or pet could easily wander up to it and knock it over or even worse, get burned.
Tip 3: Always Have a Fire Extinguisher Handy
The combination of gas, fire and grease can be a deadly one and it doesn’t take much for a grill to quickly become out of control. In case of emergency make sure you have a fire extinguisher close and you know how to use it. Also, never throw water on a grease fire. It will make it worse.
Tip 4: Grill Maintenance
Make sure you keep your grill clean by removing any grease or fat buildup to reduce your risk of grease fire. If you use a gas grill, check the gas line to make sure there are no cracks or leaks.
Tip 5 Charcoal Grills
If you use a charcoal grill there are a couple additional safety measures you can take. First, you will want to make sure your charcoal is ready to use. If you use starter fluid, make sure it is “Charcoal Specific” starter fluid. Another way to light the charcoal is with an electric starter. For this method, use an extension cord. Finally, when you are done grilling, let the coals completely cool before disposing of them.
We hope this simple list of 5 grilling safety tips keeps you safe as you grill this summer and beyond.
Happy Grilling!
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