Archive for month: February, 2017

Host to Valentine's Day, February is also host to National American Heart Health Month. These 5 simple tips will help you reduce your risk of heart disease.

5 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

When people think of the month of February, they typically think of 2 things. Generally, they think about the fact that it is the shortest month of the year, but most of all they think of Valentine&#8...

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you're having trouble finding a Valentine’s day gift for your elderly loved one we have some great ideas.

Five Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Elderly Loved One

Boy, did Punxsutawney Phil get it right or what? The snowy, wet weather the last few days hasn’t been much fun, but that’s ok. The bad weather has given us time to hunker down and prepare for an unfor...

Punxsutawney Phil is one of the few animals worldwide that has an entire day nationally dedicated to him. In fact, Thursday was that day. AKA Groundhog Day.

8 Groundhog Day Fun Facts to Get You Through 6 More Weeks of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil is one of the few animals worldwide that has an entire day nationally dedicated to him. In fact, Thursday was that day. What day you may ask. It is none-other than the nationally cel...