The pinnacle of Summer holidays is upon us. Tomorrow all across the United States families and friends will gather for a day of food, games, and celebration and wrap it all up with the summer night sky being lit up with fireworks.
That’s right, the glorious July 4thIndependence Day celebration has arrived. Happy Birthday, America.
According to statistics, it is estimated that 61% of Americans will attend a picnic, 150 million hot dogs will be eaten, 16k+ fireworks displays will be held, and $1.6 Billion will be spent on alcohol over the 4th of July celebration.
With all the fun 4th of July brings, the combination of hot weather, travel, fireworks, drinking, and eating can take its toll on our elderly loved ones. Below are 10 ways to adapt July 4th activities to promote a safer environment for your elderly loved one.
- Host the party at their house – Holiday travel can be especially tough on elderly loved ones. Hosting the party at their house lets them join in on the fun and minimizes the risk of them getting overtired or overstimulated.
- Plan inside activities – Having a good mix of inside and outside activities will help keep your senior from getting too hot.
- Provide a space for serenity – All the hustle and bustle of an Independence Day celebration can be taxing for seniors. We recommend setting aside a quiet retreat in the shade or a cool room in the house for your senior to sit and relax.
- Limit direct sunlight exposure – As we discussed in our Summer Safety tips, senior loved ones are particularly vulnerable to sun exposure. So, if you plan on having an outside get together you should use a pop-up canopy for shade or plan it near a shady area.
- Host a patriotic sing-along/karaoke – Many 4thof July celebrations include sports and physical activities which makes it hard for elderly to participate. Hosting a sing along will give them something fun to do.
- Bring blankets – Once the sun goes down, it can get chilly. Make sure you remind your loved one to bring a jacket and have a stash of blankets available in case they forgot one.
- Don’t forget the water – As we mentioned earlier, many people enjoy consuming alcohol on the 4th. While this is ok, alcohol dehydrates you, so make sure you also have plenty of water available to keep everyone from becoming dehydrated.
- Cook with your senior – Involving your senior in the food preparation as much as possible is a great way to make memories and help them feel involved. They can prep the salad, make Jello, get the skewers ready and more.
- Have patriotic game time – Just like the sing along, providing games for partygoers to play will make sure your senior can partake in fun activities too. You could do an American geography challenge, bingo, and patriotic crafts.
- Watch fireworks on TV – Staying out late and being in big crowds can be stressful for senior loved ones. A good way to still celebrate but minimize the stress is to watch fireworks displays on the TV in the comfort of their home.
As always, if you care for an elderly loved one and would like help on the fourth of July or help developing an extensive care plan, Wiser Home Care Services is here for you. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Happy July 4th!